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Scandinavian tire recycling firm Enviro Systems AB publishes interim report for January - December 2023

Michelin, Antin and Enviro JV building its first used tire recycling plant in Uddevalla, Sweden, aiming to recycle 35,000 tons annually, create 50 green jobs, and reduce emissions by over 90%; the JV has plans for factories across Europe

Nokian Tyres signs agreement to buy recovered carbon black from tire recycling JV created by Antin Infrastructure Partners and Scandinavian Enviro Systems; JV to set up recycling plants across Europe by 2030

Enviro develops new type of recovered carbon black with improved properties for tire and rubber industry; Enviro claims recovered carbon black can reduce carbon emissions by up to 93% compared to using the corresponding amount of virgin carbon black

Enviro's recovered oil and carbon black receives renewed ISCC sustainability certification; certification lets customers objectively assess the environmental benefit of using Enviro's recycled raw materials

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