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Number of US job openings changed little at 8.5 million on last business day of March, hires little changed at 5.5 million, total separations down to 5.2 million; quits and layoffs were little changed at 3.3 million and 1.5 million, respectively: BLS

US unemployment rates in March increased in 269 of 389 metro areas, decreased in 89 areas, and were unchanged in 31 areas; nonfarm payroll employment rose in 51 metro areas, fell in 5 areas, and was essentially unchanged in 333 areas: Dept. of Labor

Compensation costs for US civilian workers increased 1.2%, seasonally adjusted in Q1; wages and salaries increased 1.1%, benefit costs up 1.1% from December 2023: BLS

U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL) Highlights National Small Business Week and Workers' Rights, Promoting Entrepreneurship and Workplace Safety

US Dept. of Labor's updated overtime regulations will lead to small business restaurant owners facing higher operating costs and could lead to concerns about regional discrepancies, says National Restaurant Assn. and Restaurant Law Center

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