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Ellen MacArthur Foundation announces that Andrew Morlet will step down from position of CEO in March 2025

Starbucks adds new 2030 sustainability targets for packaging; 2023 ESG report shows company backslid on emissions, waste-to-landfill reduction targets, and it appears to be off pace for achieving most Ellen MacArthur Foundation Global Commitment targets

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Sustainable Food Trust​​ will help develop 160 products designed to regenerate the planet as part of their Food Redesign Challenge; chosen designs include cactus cookies, banana peel snacks, pasta made from wrinkled peas

First meeting of international members of the Plastics Pact Network--established by Ellen MacArthur Foundation, WRAP--convene to ensure voluntary action sets the groundwork for forthcoming changes under UN Global Plastics Treaty to end plastic pollution

Small-scale trials of reusable containers for food cupboard products create more GHG emissions than selling in single-use packaging; sales must reach market share of more than 2% to compete environmentally: Ellen MacArthur Foundation report

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