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South Asian Journalists Association honors New York Times with two awards; Daniel Pearl Award given for Taliban's impact on Afghan women, climate change reporting recognized

October 16, 2024 (press release) –

The South Asian Journalists Association acknowledged The New York Times with two awards at its annual conference.

Christina Goldbaum and Najim Rahim, reporters based in Kabul; “The Daily” co-host Sabrina Tavernise; and the photographer Kiana Hayeri won The Daniel Pearl Award for outstanding reporting about South Asia for three stories about how the return of the Taliban has set back important strides made by Afghan women since the 9/11 attacks. They describe in vivid detail how life has fundamentally changed for women in Afghanistan since 2021, introducing us to girls who can no longer pursue their education and, in some cases, have had to go into hiding. The award was established in honor of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was killed while reporting in Pakistan.
Somini Sengupta, a reporter on the Climate desk, won the award for Outstanding International Reporting by a South Asian Journalist for a series of deeply reported stories exploring how climate change is affecting people, ecosystems and economies. She takes her readers by the hand and shows them why what happens in Bangladesh, Malawi and Uganda is critically important.

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