September 6, 2023
(press release)
Reducing the CO2 footprint “With ‘CC-Pack’ we offer our clients a future-oriented solution that complies with the environmental and economic requirements. We are proud to be able to offer our clients an environmentally friendly alternative while at the same time helping to reduce costs and reduce the CO2 footprint,” said Sonopress Managing Director Sven Deutschmann. The advantages of the new packaging solution are obvious: “The use of the existing artwork enables a cost-effective changeover to our sustainable packaging. At the same time, the lower weight of the cardboard shell compared with plastic shells ensures shipping cost savings.” Even direct shipment right upon production is possible in a cost-effective way. Gernot Wolf Phone: +49 (0) 5241 80-416 25
DVDs and Blue-ray discs have thus far been packed in plastic shells made of polypropylene or polystyrene. This plastic material is made of hydrocarbon raw materials and is basically recyclable yet often ends up in trash dumps or in incinerators due to problems with the recycling of mixed plastic materials. Additionally, the cost of plastic has increased due to oil price fluctuations, increasing demand for recycled plastic materials and continuing supply chain problems. The new Sonopress development “CC-Pack” offers solutions to these challenges. First, the product is entirely made of cardboard and therefore easy to recycle. Second, the “CC-Packs” can be automatically packed with up to 120 units per box, which considerably reduces storage cost in distribution. And third, the “CC-Packs” require less retail space and enable a consumer-friendly presentation directly next to gift cards and other products.Contact
Communications Service Businesses (Arvato Group, Bertelsmann Marketing Services)
Fax: +49 (0) 5241-80-33 15
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