May 13, 2024
(press release)
Brussels, 8 May 2024 – Together with other 13 associations, AIM calls on the Council of the EU to ensure the adoption of a clear, predictable and workable framework for the Green Claims Directive, while simplifying and reducing the burden for companies. AIM is joining 13 other associations to call on the Council to carefully assess the options for the simplification of the framework under the Green Claims Directive. Our associations remain fully committed to providing pertinent and trustworthy sustainability information to consumers. Informing consumers of a business’s or product’s sustainability profile is a considerable incentive for companies to pursue more sustainable solutions. It is a catalyst for driving innovation and investments, fostering the industry’s competitiveness in sustainability. We therefore support the goal of the Green Claims Directive, which will be key in setting clear rules for environmental claims, creating a level playing field among companies. While we support the intention of the Council behind the introduction of the simplified procedure to reduce the burden of the substantiation and ex-ante verification requirements, we remain concerned by the Council’s proposed means, as they may lead to unintended additional burden. We thus recommend: An agile framework is essential to support the necessary industry investments to reach the ambitious EU climate and environmental goals, as well as ensure the prompt information of the consumer for more sustainable choices.
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