April 15, 2024
(press release)
Thriving Communities Program provides technical assistance to disadvantaged communities, helping them better access funding and deliver meaningful project through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced funding through the Thriving Communities Program (TCP) to help 112 communities nationwide access federal funding and resources provided by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). When added to the inaugural cohort announced in April 2023, this announcement brings the total number of communities supported by this program to 176. DOT is awarding grants totaling $23.6 million to three national and six regional Thriving Communities Capacity Builders to support the 112 communities, which includes 12 Tribal Nations. The program provides two years of no-cost, intensive technical assistance to under-resourced and disadvantaged communities to help them identify, develop, and deliver transportation projects to achieve locally-driven economic development, health, environment, mobility, and access goals. Three national TCP teams will provide support to 52 communities located across the United States and selected by DOT. In addition, six regional TCP teams were selected to support 60 communities that were identified in their states or regions. Of the 64 communities selected last year, 37 have now won federal funding for their communities through DOT discretionary grant programs such as Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE), and the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program. "President Biden’s infrastructure law has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity through which communities are reimagining and delivering safe, reliable transportation,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “Our Department is proud to help another 112 under-resourced communities with hands-on assistance to secure federal infrastructure funding, and then deliver those projects well.” DOT received 229 Letters of Interest to receive technical assistance from this year’s National Thriving Communities program. The TCP prioritized the selection of disadvantaged and under-resourced communities that are working to advance transportation projects to improve health and safety outcomes, reduce housing and transportation cost burdens, preserve or expand job opportunities, and increase reliable mobility options to better access health care, food, education, and other essential destinations. According to the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, of the 52 communities selected for the National program, 87 percent are in disadvantaged census tracts. Over half of communities selected have either never applied for a DOT grant before or had applied but were unsuccessful. “Under President Biden, DOT has undertaken an unprecedented effort to help build local capacity to access federal resources that improve their quality of life and build a stronger economic future,” said Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Christopher Coes. In the last year through TCP, DOT has helped urban, rural, and Tribal communities identify and develop grant applications for critical infrastructure projects. For example, Kearns Metro Township in Utah has leveraged their TCP-funded technical assistance to apply for funding for safety improvement strategies on 5400 South, one of the most dangerous roadways in the state. TCP is also supporting lower capacity communities that have received DOT funding to effectively deliver projects, like the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe in Washington, which received a $25 million Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 RAISE grant to relocate the Tribe because of increased flooding and climate threats. “The Thriving Communities participants have proven that this technical assistance model can tremendously impact their success rate not only in competing for federal grants, but also in better utilizing innovative solutions to deliver their projects more efficiently and cost-effectively,” said Build America Bureau Executive Director Morteza Farajian. TCP selected three new National TCP Capacity Builders, who will each receive $4.25 to $5 million, to collectively support communities assigned by DOT into one of three "Communities of Practice" based on their common technical assistance needs. Capacity builders will provide project-level technical assistance and planning support on issues such as preparing grant application materials, undertaking pre-development and project delivery activities, designing and deploying more inclusive community engagement strategies, and fostering small business and workforce development. The FY 2023 National TCP Capacity Builders are: The Communities of Practice are: New for FY 2023, DOT added a TCP Regional Pilot Program, which allows participants to provide TCP activities to communities within their jurisdictions at a state or regional scale. DOT funded six pilots at approximately $1-2 million each that collectively are supporting 60 communities in these states and regions: More information is available on the Thriving Communities Program webpage. ### The Thriving Communities Program (TCP) is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to ensuring that all communities have equal opportunity and access to federal transportation infrastructure funding and financing. TCP is also part of the Justice40 Initiative and the interagency Thriving Communities Network. Additional technical assistance resources can be found on the DOT Navigator.
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