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American Forests highlights sugar pine preservation in Sierra Nevada; CEO discusses urban heat mitigation strategies at White House Extreme Heat Summit

Florida approves giving 324 acres of state forest, home to threatened species, to luxury golf resort Cabot Citrus Farms in exchange for 861 acres of planted pine timberland; swap sparks criticism from experts who say it compromises vital conservation land

Washington DNR auctions 75-acre Doc Holliday timber sale for US$623,700 despite protests over 29 acres, which opponents claim are near marbled murrelet nesting sites; DNR classified area as not structurally complex, said it follows conservation guidelines

Mycorrhizal fungi's symbiotic relationship with endangered species such as Colombian black oak may be key to conservation efforts; in Huila, Colombia, researchers, local communities have restored 424 black oaks using seeds inoculated with mycorrhizae

US HB4596: Reauthorizes funding for endangered and threatened fish recovery programs in the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins.

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