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RBC panel pricing update for week of Sept. 2: OSB prices largely unchanged, as activity slowed down across North America, with limited urgency from buyers; Southern Plywood prices rose, though sales activity slowed, and Western Plywood prices were flat

RBC highlights wood products news for week of Sept. 2: Lumber prices rise, and OSB remains flat; Pyramid Mountain Lumber ends lumber production in Seeley Lake, Montana, and prepping mill for auction; mortgage rates continue to trend lower

LP Building Solutions appoints Jeremy Sellers as VP of OSB sales and marketing; he brings over 15 years of building products experience to role, starting at Wolf Home Products as product specialist and advanced to SVP of sales in 2022

RBC midweek wood products pricing update (Aug. 27): SPF prices show modest gains amid limited reaction to rail strike headlines, but market activity seems somewhat weakened; SYP 2x4s pricing flat, while OSB held steady across all regions in North America

RBC highlights wood products news for week of Aug. 25: Lumber/OSB prices increase; Interfor indefinitely curtails SYP mills in Georgia, South Carolina; Conifex moving to one-shift operations at Mackenzie, British Columbia, sawmill for 'foreseeable future'

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