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Little Colorado River, Arizona, receives BDO Zone ‘A’ rating for 146,600 tons/year of woody biomass; zone covers 75-mile drive distance from Springerville, Arizona

Arizona , June 25, 2024 (press release) –



– ‘A’ Rating to unlock markets for underutilized wood fiber –

June 25th

The BDO Zone Initiative has issued a BDO Zone ‘A’ rating for Little Colorado River, Arizona for 146,600 bone dry tons per year of woody biomass.


The Foundation for Little Colorado Revitalization and Ecostrat are pleased to announce the issue of an investment grade BDO Zone ‘A’ Rating for Woody Biomass, extending a 75-mile drive distance from Springerville, AZ.

Little Colorado River’s BDO Zone ‘A’ rating denotes high prospective viability of feedstock supply chain and infrastructure, and low expectations of default risk in the Zone. The region features strong capabilities to accommodate new biobased plant operations, supported by anticipated increase in woodland biomass and a considerable opportunity to procure low-cost biomass feedstock within the local market. The area offers favourable employee wages, housing costs, and overall cost of living compared to both state and national averages.

“The ‘A’ rating for Little Colorado River underscores our community’s exceptional potential for spearheading global leadership in the bioeconomy,” stated Malena Hannah, Founder, MH Consulting and Project Management. “We eagerly anticipate collaborating with bioenergy, biochemical, and bioproduct companies to foster the expansion of local industry and diversification of forestry resources with new businesses.”

Jordan Solomon, Chairman of the BDO Zone Initiative added, “The BDO Zone Rating not only facilitates access to untapped markets for underutilized wood fiber, revitalizing the state’s forestry industry, but also serves as a crucial instrument in addressing wildfire hazards, aligning with Little Colorado River’s proactive stance on forest restoration and wildfire control.”

To see the full BDO Zone Rating for Little Colorado River, Arizona please click here, or visit www.bdozone.org.

BDO Zone project development support:

About The BDO Zone Initiative

The BDO Zone Initiative certifies regional readiness for bio-based manufacturing, creates global connections with project developers, and ignites an influx of clean energy opportunities.

A BDO Zone rating is an internationally recognized standards-based technical risk assessment of biomass feedstock, supply chain, and infrastructure risk with respect to the development potential of new biofuel, renewable chemical, biogas, and bioproduct plants. Investment grade ratings attract new bio-based manufacturing plants to the areas where they are most likely to succeed– and create jobs.

For more information on the BDO Zone Initiative, contact info@bdozone.org. To view all BDO Zone ratings, visit www.bdozone.org.  Check out the BDO Zone LinkedIn page for news and updates.

Jordan Solomon is Chairman of the BDO Zone Initiative and President of Ecostrat (www.ecostrat.com). He can be reached at . Ecostrat is the North American leader in biomass due diligence for biofuels, renewable chemicals, biogas, and bio-product project development and finance.

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