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Commentary: Whole-cut plant-based meats may lead to 'next resurgence of consumers' for industry, which is 'waiting to see who can imitate a whole-cut' in retail at scale; Chunk has succeeded in plant-based whole cuts, but they only go to restaurants

Publishing industry is increasingly adopting sustainable packaging, driven by consumer demand and regulatory pressures; major players like Penguin Random House, Hachette UK are shifting to recycled paperboard, biodegradable packing tape, plant-based inks

Commentary: Plant-based meat company Impossible Foods can’t repackage in a way that will attract right-wing carnivores; the ‘Meat Culture Wars’ won’t end by switching from green packaging to red or by adding meaty descriptors

Yerbaé Partners with Glazers Beer & Beverage to Expand Distribution in Texas & Louisiana

AIMPLAS's research on the European BiOrangePack Project recognized in the go!ODS Awards for contribution to zero hunger; project developed active plant-derived coatings for citrus fruits to help reduce food waste

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