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Two Sides: British Crisp's and EvoPak's launch of curbside-recyclable crisp packet marks milestone for Hydropol water-soluble polymer resin technology, offers proof to global snack brands that fully recyclable and food-safe packaging can be done at scale

Publishing industry is increasingly adopting sustainable packaging, driven by consumer demand and regulatory pressures; major players like Penguin Random House, Hachette UK are shifting to recycled paperboard, biodegradable packing tape, plant-based inks

Paperboard Packaging Council member survey finds 90% of folding cartons, by the ton, sent to the frozen foods sector in 2019 were made of recyclable grades; survey 'helps correct a bit of a myth' that frozen food packaging isn't recyclable, says DS Smith

Momo online shopping network now allows recyclable bags to be returned at 7-ELEVEN stores in Taiwan; bags will be sorted and refurbished by Momo and provided to consumers for reuse

Coca-Cola successfully transitions to 100% recycled plastic for all 500ml bottles of sparkling beverages in Canada; change expected to save 7.6 million lbs. of new plastic for rest of year and cut roughly 7,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions/year

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