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Commentary: Food industry faces 'sogflation' due to high rainfall and flooding, causing rising commodity prices and damage to crops like wheat and corn; livestock farmers also negatively impacted, with loss of use of grazing land for animals

Chinese government grants approval for the production of the country’s inaugural gene-edited wheat variety, a significant step towards the commercialization of genetically modified food crops

Canadian millers mill 3.3 million tonnes of wheat in 2023, up 0.9% from 2022, while total flour produced rises to 2.5 million tonnes, up 0.6% compared with the previous year: Statistics Canada

Polylactic acid, or polylactide, making waves in textile industry; bio-based fiber--derived from renewable resources like corn, wheat, sugar beet--offers sustainable alternative to traditional fabrics, with properties that benefit environment, consumers

Canadian millers mill 257,813 tonnes of wheat in March, while wheat flour production totals 194 521 tonnes

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